free flying soul

"this world has nothing for me and this world has everything...all that I could want and nothing that I need"

My Photo
Location: Macclesfield, North Carolina, United States

Born: 1970; Graduated High School: 1988; Married: 1991; Children: 1996, 2000, 2005; Graduated College: 2008; Figured Out This Faith Thing: In Progress

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Insights from NEXUS Church Planting Leader Care 2008

Factors Leading People To Choose A Church Home:

1- Preaching/The Pastor - 90%
2- Friendliness - 49%
3- Children/Youth Ministry - 25%
4- Worship - 11%

Factors That Cause People To Reject A Church:

1- Children/Youth Ministry
2- Unfriendliness
3- Worship
4- Preaching/The Pastor

Information taken from Surprising Insights from the Unchurched by Thom Rainer