free flying soul

"this world has nothing for me and this world has everything...all that I could want and nothing that I need"

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Location: Macclesfield, North Carolina, United States

Born: 1970; Graduated High School: 1988; Married: 1991; Children: 1996, 2000, 2005; Graduated College: 2008; Figured Out This Faith Thing: In Progress

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Classic Petra Reunion

Okay...I am totally stoked about this one. I am curious to see what songs they re-record and if they make any artistic changes to them. The last time they re-recorded classic songs was on the mostly horrendous Double Take album. I wonder what prompted this?

I really do hope the promised new songs are good. I really do hope that they come close enough to North Carolina that I can make the trip.

Wow...I really have nothing else to say. This is a shock to me. I never expected to see this in my lifetime. Seeing a reunited Stryper playing new music was one thing...seeing a reunited Petra (with Greg X. Volz) is something totally different. This falls into the historic reunion category...just like the first KISS reunion.

Man...Petra...REAL Petra.


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