free flying soul

"this world has nothing for me and this world has everything...all that I could want and nothing that I need"

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Location: Macclesfield, North Carolina, United States

Born: 1970; Graduated High School: 1988; Married: 1991; Children: 1996, 2000, 2005; Graduated College: 2008; Figured Out This Faith Thing: In Progress

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You Ever Seem To Have One Of Those Days?

I am in a weird mood...although I do not know if "mood" is the best word to describe it. I feel like something is going on in the spiritual realm and it is bleeding over into the material world.

*cue Twilight Zone music*

I get these feelings from time to time. I never really know how to react. I usually brace myself for something interesting.

Here is one for you:

We have just been informed that I now make too much money to qualify for Medicare. Apparently...a family of five should be able to pay rent, buy groceries, pay utilities, pay taxes AND pay for insurance on $16,000 a year. Medicaid will still cover the kids but my wife and I are now on our own.

This brings up all kinds of questions. I do not have the answers to those questions. In my heart...I do not believe that the government owes my coverage...I really do not. However...being the parent of three children who will not have any coverage without government programs tends to make me question the system.


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